The Weekly Photo Challenge: Sea. I love the water and the wind. For me the sea offers endless options, like the endlessness of that vast mass of water that spreads out at your feet. Anything is possible.

My dad was an avid yachtsman and spent as much time at sea as he could. He taught us to sail before we could even ride a bike (that’s a big thing in the Netherlands!). He retired early, sold his home and his business, bought a bigger boat and took my mother on a 12-year trip, roaming the world’s seas. Every now and again, we would hop over wherever they were and sail with them for a couple of weeks.

I am currently working on an adventure novel for kids, an adventure inspired by the sea, inspired by the years of sailing, and inspired by the RTW trip my son just returned from. My protagonist is a 12-years-old boy and he sails the seven seas with his parents. Imagine what can happen. Imagine he meets the Sun Spirit. Oh no, that was another book of mine, set in another sea, a sea of sand…

Yes, the sea offers endless possibilities.

Bali Sea - Gili Islands - The Sun Spirit

Bali Sea – Gili Islands – The Sun Spirit